Back into the Fray

You know you're really back in the domain name industry when your registration for NamesCon is secured.

Somehow I can't seem to quit this frothy industry! :-)

  1968 Hits

Corrupt News

President Trump just said that he's now going to start calling the "Fake News" the "Corrupt News." This is his new term.

I just registered

Happy Wednesday. ;)

  8745 Hits

Blake Irving on Net Neutrality

Blake Irving, CEO of GoDaddy, sent an open letter to The Honorable Thomas E. Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.

In short, GoDaddy supports net neutrality. Full stop. It really is that simple. And (full disclosure), as a GoDaddy employee, I'm very pleased to see this. As I've said many times, this isn't the same company people remember from many years ago. Management gets it. In this case, it's the right position and the company is taking it. I continue to confirm that I made the right decision coming to work here.

Now... Mr. Chairman? It's Go Time.

And on social media...


  12870 Hits

Your Mother

The .mom registry is now open - thousands of new top level domains, and .mom is one of them.

Your.Mom is available, as it turns out. Of course, it's a premium name and the first year fee is a steep $2,600. Tell you what, if someone wants to drop that coin on the name, I'll do the content and we'll split the revenue. What do you say?

Oh, and I note that Stacys.Mom is also available, but she will cost $1,300. That said, I hear she's got it going on!

  13920 Hits

GoDaddy: Walking the Walk

GoDaddy has revealed our first-ever company-wide salary analysis as part of our push to address gender diversity in the technology industry. The benchmark report delivers on a commitment made at this past summer's White House Demo Day.

Over the summer, GoDaddy conducted an audit of internal salary data, which analyzed like-for-like roles and compared how men and women were placed in the salary band for comparable roles. GoDaddy sets its salary bands by role and level based on industry-standard data, and on average takes a market-leading position, which puts GoDaddy's median salary generally higher than those in the industry. 

For every dollar a man makes at GoDaddy company-wide, a woman is paid roughly one cent more, which also holds true for non-tech women. Women in technical roles at GoDaddy make approximately 99 cents on the dollar, and in the management ranks, women are paid and estimated 96 cents on the dollar.

On the whole, women and men are paid close to parity – here is the specific percentage break down:

  • Total Company: women paid .28% more than men
  • Technical: women paid .11% less than men
  • Non-Technical: women paid .35% more than men
  • Management: women paid 3.58% less than men

Additionally, GoDaddy is releasing its overall diversity statistics, and now reports women represent 20 percent of its technical workforce and 25 percent of the company overall. It has increased its women in management roles to 25 percent. And a number reported over this past summer shows GoDaddy has increased its women interns and new college graduate hires from 14 percent to 39 percent, year-over-year, in both categories.


  • I work for GoDaddy. I'm very proud of this fact.
  • I'm male.
  12473 Hits