Over the summer, GoDaddy conducted an audit of internal salary data, which analyzed like-for-like roles and compared how men and women were placed in the salary band for comparable roles. GoDaddy sets its salary bands by role and level based on industry-standard data, and on average takes a market-leading position, which puts GoDaddy's median salary generally higher than those in the industry.
For every dollar a man makes at GoDaddy company-wide, a woman is paid roughly one cent more, which also holds true for non-tech women. Women in technical roles at GoDaddy make approximately 99 cents on the dollar, and in the management ranks, women are paid and estimated 96 cents on the dollar.
On the whole, women and men are paid close to parity – here is the specific percentage break down:
- Total Company: women paid .28% more than men
- Technical: women paid .11% less than men
- Non-Technical: women paid .35% more than men
- Management: women paid 3.58% less than men
- I work for GoDaddy. I'm very proud of this fact.
- I'm male.