Comedy Incoming!

Well, the domains were available, so a parody site is being created. and 

They're directing here for now, but soon... :-)

  2572 Hits

So glad he can't fake it

My existential fear is that Mr. Trump will realize that all he has to do is "fake it" and lie, act the statesman, and say what he needs to say, and he will win this election. I fear he will realize that doing so won't cost him his base, as his base will welcome it and say, "you know he doesn't mean it, but the libs are making it so he has to say it, but I know he'll do what I want anyway."

So in that context, last night's debate was perfect. Let's have two more just like it.

If this guy ever got the façade skills that an intelligent narcissist has, he'd be deadly. Be thankful he doesn't.

  4602 Hits

You're Being Treated Like a Child

My son likes to think he's a lawyer and, unlike many children who ask the same question over and over will often ask the same question multiple times but with different angles. At some point, usually pretty early (I like to think I'm a smart guy), I realize he's doing this, and I shift into giving a response that I've found works well. I can't claim credit for it, I read it on a parenting blog.

  11234 Hits

When It Comes To Equality, I'm Just Selfish

I’m going to start off with a story, which, I promise, is relevant. I am a proponent of marriage equality. I can be flippant about it and note that I feel that everyone should get to experience the pain of marriage, but that’s not fair to my wife, who is one of the greatest people I know. I actually have my reasons for being in favor, which I will get to shortly. But first the story.

  12747 Hits

Blake Irving on Net Neutrality

Blake Irving, CEO of GoDaddy, sent an open letter to The Honorable Thomas E. Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.

In short, GoDaddy supports net neutrality. Full stop. It really is that simple. And (full disclosure), as a GoDaddy employee, I'm very pleased to see this. As I've said many times, this isn't the same company people remember from many years ago. Management gets it. In this case, it's the right position and the company is taking it. I continue to confirm that I made the right decision coming to work here.

Now... Mr. Chairman? It's Go Time.

And on social media...


  13428 Hits