By The Bit Part on Sunday, 02 May 2021
Category: Bit.Parts

Facebook's Ham Hands

To have an application autopost to Facebook requires that you give Facebook access to your web site and allow their "engineer" to log in and test your app. These are, without exception, clueless and underpaid non-technical people in third-world countries.

I've gotten all of my applications approved after much angst.

What I didn't do was turn off Facebook's access after. Now they are asking that access stay open and they pop in every month or so and post a test.

  1. This test gets on my production web sites, cluttering it. They don't remove the post afterwards.
  2. This test goes to all of the pages and groups that get the autopost, again, creating garbage. They don't remove these, either.
  3. The last time they did this, I didn't even notice. They did it wrong. It broke the auth token and my system hasn't been autoposting for over a week now.

I'm beside myself with distain.

With billions of users, Facebook owns this market. There won't be a "MySpace Event" that unseats Facebook. Ever. The only way they'll lose their dominance is if we get decentralized social feeds, much like we have a decentralized web of HTML sites.

We need a social protocol like HTML and browsers that support it.

We then need unassailable identity verification (or proper anonymity) and a protocol for creating a social graph (think "your friends" or "your followers" and such).

At that point, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, et. al. become obsolete and the users take back their content and control.

It'll be another 3-5 years.

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